
Reduce the carbon footprint of your new home

Reduce the carbon footprint of your new home

The times that we live in require that we carefully calculate our decisions' impact on the earth. We need to consciously take our reusable bags to the store and opt for products that don’t have plastic packaging. We all try to reduce our carbon footprint on the earth in whatever way we can. But...

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10 Tips on How to Budget for Your Build

10 Tips on How to Budget for Your Build

It’s a familiar story – a family or a couple is building their dream home. They have a budget in mind and eagerly start the build. Then it happens: costs start piling up. Then at the end of the build (if there is an end), they’ve gone way over budget. This can sometimes cripple families’ finances...

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Building on a City Lot versus Building on an Acreage Lot

Building on a City Lot versus Building on an Acreage Lot

When you are planning on building your dream home, one of the most important aspects to consider is the location. This is after all where you’ll be spending most of your time, and you need to carefully decide where that will be. But what exactly are the differences between the two – besides the...

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Aging in Place – designing a home for your next 30 years

Aging in Place – designing a home for your next 30 years

Getting a custom design for your home is a financial investment, as well as a serious commitment. If done right, your home should be able to last for the next couple of generations. Having a home that can age with you - called aging in place - has huge social benefits. Having to move due to a home...

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The Cost Per Square Foot Myth

The Cost Per Square Foot Myth

When building or buying a home, the topic of square-foot cost will inevitably come up. Looking through the building plans, it is mentioned on the prints. Working with an architect, everything revolves around the square feet. Therefore, it’s natural to assume a linear relationship between square...

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How to Minimize Supply Chain Woes when Building a Home

How to Minimize Supply Chain Woes when Building a Home

The last couple of years have demonstrated how certain events can have a chain reaction on the economy. Workforces were forced to decrease, taxes increased, and everything impacted the costs and availability of materials. It is a constant battle to maintain project budgets and schedules as the...

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