Getting a custom design for your home is a financial investment, as well as a serious commitment. If done right, your home should be able to last for the next couple of generations. Having a home that can age with you – called aging in place – has huge social benefits. Having to move due to a home not suiting your needs or trying to renovate can introduce a lot of emotional and financial stress. Making sure that your house is built to last throughout the different stages of your life can provide a lot of peace of mind. Things to consider don’t only include the materials that you use, but the design and layout of the spaces – your home has to be designed with the future in mind. Here are some things to think about when designing your home.

Maintenance and Durability

When designing a home, think about the amount of maintenance that it will need. Consider choosing durable and resilient materials. Materials such as wood will need regular maintenance, and maybe even replacement after a couple of years. Instead of wooden frames, opt for aluminum.

However, wood is also a very durable material and can allow you to change the interior layout of your home, without affecting the structural integrity.

Do enough research about the lifespan of the materials that go into your house and use those that also have minimum maintenance. Don’t skimp on things like sealants, which need to keep the water out and increase the lifespan of your house.

Building materials that are known for their durability and strength are brick, concrete, steel, and stone. Each of these materials can last for years on end and make sure that your home is structurally sound. Your home will not only stand the test of time, but it will almost certainly age with grace too.

Something else to consider is to include eco-friendly alternatives. Investing in solar panels is sure to bring your electricity bill down in the long run. Think about installing double insulated glass to regulate the temperature in your home.

Flexibility for Aging in Place

Homeowners go through different stages of life, and your house should be able to grow with you. Make sure that you think about possible additions, spaces that can be moved or recreated easily. A newlywed couple might only need an open-plan kitchen and entertainment area with bedrooms and bathrooms. A few years along the line they will need to use one of the bedrooms as a nursery. And because of the new addition to the family, mom or dad might need more privacy in a home office.

Consider building the walls and the roof so that structures can be added to make a second story if it is needed years later.

Your home must have flexible interior designs to accommodate changing needs throughout the years.


Think about the flow of your house. If guests come to stay, will there be enough privacy? It is best to preserve privacy so that when guest rooms are occupied, they don’t intrude on the privacy of the family.

The design should take into consideration activities that are done in the living areas, and how this might affect the bedrooms and anyone sleeping.

Lifestyle changes for Aging in Place

Like flexibility, one must also consider things like hobbies or other leisure interests. Think about whether you would like to add a gym, a studio, or a workshop. Things like this will ensure that your home does not become redundant.

Another piece of advice is to always factor in a desk and chair within a bedroom. This is especially necessary in homes that might not have an office.

Something else to consider is parking for a boat, mobile home, or caravan later in life when the children leave the nest.

Elderly residents might need to make provisions for wheelchairs, stair lifts, or similar. The peace of mind that comes with having thought about these years in advance is priceless.

Living spaces should be designed with room to use a walking frame, pram, or wheelchair. Power sources should be well-thought-out and set at heights that avoid excessive bending or reaching.



Taking all the above into account, it is always possible that a homeowner is forced to move due to job relocation or other reasons. If the house is well-thought-out and designed properly, there is much to gain from the sale of the house. Otherwise, the house can be passed on from one generation to another.